Tuesday, January 4, 2011


How am I just learning about this website now? From the Rober Wagner Labor Archives at NYU (my own alma mater! Again, how did I not know about this...), and several other partners, LABOR ARTS is:

"a virtual museum; we gather, identify and display images of the cultural artifacts of working people and their organizations. Our mission is to present powerful images that help us understand the past and present lives of working people. AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney has urged all international unions to cooperate in locating for display on Labor Arts 'the treasure trove of cultural objects that have moved workers into action from the very inception of our movement.'"

So far -- and have only scratched the surface of this resource -- loving the Scenes of American Labor exhibit:
Taos Diner, Jack R. Smith, 2005

Indians Fishing Cielilo Falls - Columbia River, Millard Sheets, 1950

It's a way cool site with an incredible variety of media. Check it out!

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