Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Museum for Obeast Conservation Studies

Artist Rachel Herrick's "Museum for Obeast Conservation Studies" is a pretty unique contemporary art endeavor. It has nothing to do with industrial history, but puts a sharp lens on museums, among other things, and I feel like blogging about it.

From her website, "MOCS and my work with North American Obeasts satirize the social stigma around fatness through the legitimizing tropes of science."

I won't explain it much more than that...just go check out the website: alongside the unique satirizing of social stigma, the work is a smart, surreal reflection of the formal power of (slick, modern) museum convention and conservation narratives. The website is pretty, unsettling, clever, museum-y.

Physical exhibition on view at the Maine College of Art"MOCS @ICA Portland," advertises the MOCS website. "Dang, this looks interesting, they must mean Portland, Oregon," I thought. Imagine my pleasant surprise when it turned out to be Maine! Exhibition closes June 12; as soon as my decrepit car gets fixed I'm schlepping up to Portland. Updates to follow.


  1. Hey thanks for blogging about my art! If you can come see the exhibition that'd be great. Heads up though that it closes June 12, not 14. Thanks again! Rachel

  2. Thanks Rachel, for your art and for the heads up about the date! Fixed. I'm psyched to see the exhibition at the end of the week!!
