Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Welcome to Pine Point

Welcome to Pine Point

Go have a look at this incredible online interactive multimedia mind blowing documentary about the town of Pine Point way up in Canada's Northwest Territories. The mine built it, a community grew, the mine closed, the town was completely razed.

This site is a testament to people and memory and postindustrial spaces totally unlike anything else.

See also:
Museum 2.0: Welcome to Pine Point: A Multimedia Exploration of Nostalgia, History, and What it Means to be Human. Great anaylsis by Nina Simon at Museum 2.0 linking the techniques used and connections made here to the museum experience.

UPDATE: OK, so http://www.nfb.ca/ is my new favorite website. Enjoy documentaries, animations, alternative dramas and interactive productions on the web, on your personalized home page, or on your iPhone. Free for personal use and on a subscription basis for schools and institutions. Where have you been all my life, National Film Board of Canada??? Canadians are so nice!

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