Monday, April 18, 2011

Free things for when you don't have a budget!

Let's start a series! I'm calling it: Free things for when you don't have a budget!

Because who has a budget?! Some of the best museum programs come from scavenged, borrowed, homemade, free, re-purposed, or imaginary materials. Sometimes I think it's more fun that way. Sometimes that's how I know I'm in the right field...

Ok, here's a good one I wish I found a long time ago. Stop using Gimp because you can't afford Photoshop in making your snappy museum publications! Instead...try Pixlr! It's online, so no downloads/IT permissions needed, and less clunky. Best for free photo editing I've found.

[I'm not, like, on the Pixlr dime or anything.]

Anyway, here's a little piece of what I made today using it...from photo to this:

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